Fracking LEGOs

Somehow we ended up with A LOT of LEGOS.

Like A LOT.


They used to live in and around the LEGO table that was in our living room. But I’ve been trying to push reroute our children and their junk to the playroom and their bedroom. They’re older now and I really don’t love the look that Playschool had vomited all over my home. So to the back rooms they go.

However our LEGO collection is an issue. Chaos became enamored with LEGOs early he probably should have been eating them, but rather he was building. And good gravy was he insane about them. Then The Hubs with his dormant love of these plastic bricks jumps in the mix and suddenly we have a bajillion and eight.

So they’ve moved to the spare room (which will soon become the nursery), but soon will need to leave. But they can’t go back to the living room as Baby Sprocket will be taking up residency in there more often than not.

This goes back to my journey of getting rid of what we don’t need- calling it whatever you like- decluttering, minimalism, KonMari, whatever. I’ve read them all. I’ve enjoyed them all. I sure do like less stuff.

I’ve gotten rid of a lot of stuff. Now we have to figure out how to best modify our house so that everyone gets a cut (and keeps my newest baby from choking to death on a LEGO brick. This fear is pretty high on my list of fears as it feels like it could very much happen.)

So I’m going to pony up and dig down more into my craft room. I have an entire room dedicated to a hobby that I enjoy, but don’t often dive into. I’ve gone through and gotten rid of a lot. But now, I need to make way for my boy and his 120-jillion plastic bricks. I’m also going to have to wear shoes in there from now on.

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