Still Not Keeping Up

Fine. There. I said it.

I am SO not up-to-date on posts with my 365 day challenge.

When I started this (during a school break in which I was at home, hanging out, with ample time upon my hands… I think I’ve found the root cause) challenge idea, I saw myself sitting down each day busting out a pithy post about, uh, whatever. Still haven’t figured out that theme thing.

Now I’m third trimester pregnant and my evenings have dissolved into something that includes a pre-bedtime nap and a slow trudge through our evening “have tos”.

The Hubs and I are vigilant about always having the dishes washed, kitchen vaguely clean, and all of our lunches packed after dinner. Granted my counters are always sticky and full of crumbs, but these things help us stay afloat.

What has not translated into my day life is writing a post. My day starts at 5am, so I can’t fathom losing even a minute of that sleep time to writing, though my brain is the happiest in the quiet of a solitary early morning.

I work outside the home as a librarian. While I am SO grateful to have an administration who believes in my integrity and sense of initiative, which means that I can run my library program as I see fit- that doesn’t mean I’m willing to bring Dinos & Cheese into that realm.

So that leaves the evenings. Somehow.

What I do know is that I can’t keep backtracking and trying to write posts and post date them (like this one…lol).

I have some thinking to do to figure this one out.

I will not use the “I’m busy” excuse anymore. We’re all busy. Can we agree to keep that out of our lives and figure out solutions? Maybe more “no” instead of begrudging yes’s?

Why do the children need to eat EVERY NIGHT?? I mean, I fed them yesterday. That should be enough.

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