Buy Nothing January-ish

2018 was a galvanizing year in that I really began to explore the concepts of “less is more” within my life. I’m not what would be considered a true minimalist, but I’ve learned that I love clutter-free space. I need places in my house that are chaos-free. And I like having less. Less everything- less stuff, less “have tos”, and (again) less stuff.

I’ve done a lot of reading on minimalism, living clutter-free, and whatever other phrases are used to describe the concept of “I have less shit than I had before and I like it.” There are so many people out there that have gotten themselves into a life full of stuff, but feel like they’re still missing something.

As I started reading more blogs, more magazines, and more books on the subject of less, I started to change the way we lived. It was easy to start with things like kitchen gadgets- if we don’t use them or we have multiples, they went in a box. Clothes I hate, crap that has been stored in closets but never used, and junk toys all found their way out of the house. The more I got rid of, the more joy I felt with my new found space. More rewarding was the more we got rid of, the less we brought in. Joy of joys!

With the new year, a few of number of the minimalist groups were discussing the idea of “buy nothing” challenges. Some folks have gotten themselves to successfully do a 365 Buy Nothing Challenge. I’m impressed by this lifestyle and may eventually drag my family into something like that. Since The Hubs and I have started sifting through our stuff, we have noticed how much less we bring in to the house. We are nowhere near where I would like to be, but it’s a start.

In any case, the idea of a Buy Nothing Challenge has stayed with me. I’m going to drag The Hubs through a January of less. We have family in town, so eating out and such may be a case where I’ll have to go with the crowd/ be a good host. We also promised Chaos that we would get him a shark tooth necklace from Sea World for his birthday. But otherwise, I think we can do it.

Here’s what I’m outlining for our exciting foray into Buy Nothings. As this is our first challenge and The Hubs may be a reluctant participant (:read: dragged along through the month. Sorry not sorry?) this is what I’m thinking:

  1. Dining out 1x a week only. We don’t eat out very often, but we can work to cut it out. I would like to see if we could cut it down even more.
  2. We’ll buy necessities, but nothing extra. We’ll work our way through the pantry and deep freezer for the majority of our meals, but supplement our fresh foods from the grocery store.
  3. Chaos and Mayhem are included in this challenge, which means that we won’t buy anything for them this month. They can buy using their allowance however.
  4. A shark tooth necklace has been promised long before this came about.
  5. All bets are off if the roof caves in or something equally bizarre happens in our lives.

*This isn’t the same as Buy Nothing community- those are absolutely fascinating and essentially folks work together to give to each other and live in financial conservatism. I’m doubly impressed by people who can find a network of frugal folks to be part of their lives.

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